How to Stop Dog From Eating Poop: Home Remedies

Are you struggling with your furry friend’s unpleasant habit of eating poop? In this blog, we’ll explore effective home remedies to help you put a stop to this behavior. From dietary adjustments to behavioral training techniques, we’ve got you covered. In this blog, let’s look into how to stop a dog from eating poop at home and say goodbye to those cringe-worthy moments.

Reasons for Coprophagia in Dogs

Reasons for Coprophagia in Dogs

Coprophagia is the technical term for the behavior of dogs deliberately removing and eating feces. While it’s more common in puppies, dogs of all ages and breeds may engage in this behavior for various reasons, including: While it’s more common in puppies, dogs of all ages and breeds may engage in this behavior for various reasons, including

  • Nutritional deficiencies
  • Monotony or sheer mental pressure Not much engagement of the brain can be the reason.
  • Attention-seeking behavior
  • Stress or anxiety
  • This is brought about as a result of understanding the actions of fellow dogs
  • Issues related to health, indigestion, or even a parasite are rife

Although coprophagia may be harmless in itself, it can increase the risk of parasite or bacterial transmission and may be a symptom of some emotional or health ailment that has to be taken care of.

Home Remedies to Stop Dogs from Eating Poop

Now, let’s look into six natural remedies to prevent your dog from eating poop.

 1. Dietary Supplements

Certain supplements to a dog’s diet, like pineapple and pumpkin, or those made especially to make dogs’ stool less enticing to eat, can be introduced to discourage the consumption of the poop. Bromelain is an enzyme found in pineapple, and it may make feces bitter. Also, the fiber in the pumpkin can be added to the diet, which can help in the firming of stools.

2. Dietary Changes

Dietary Changes

If they stayed in the park, they needed to protect their dog from diseases and stimulate cognitive development. Deficient food quality or incomplete feeding patterns might easily trigger nutrient deficiencies, motivating the dogs to look for much-needed nutrients in their feces. Pondering a swap to a much more highly-declared brand or seeking help from a vet for the best diet for your dog’s health are the chances you have.

3. Training and behavior modification

Use positive reinforcement tactics to train your dog to a “leave it” or “drop it” command that works the same way by directing him/her away from feces and, thereafter, reward compliance with either treats or praise. Continuous training and monitoring are both beneficial for creating a uniform image of the good behaviors that are desirable to see while inducing the bad behaviors to be avoided.

4. Increase mental stimulation

Offering your dog some mental challenges and engaging them in activity stimulators are ways to fight boredom and keep them away from even the worst unwanted behaviors, like poop eating. Toys that are designed to be interactive, puzzle feeders for them to chew, as well as playing games with regularity, will keep your dog’s mind occupied and happier in the long run.

5. Supervision and Management

To be on the safe side, when you are taking your dog out, always keep it within your eyesight, which is meant to make sure that it does not get into feces, whether it’s its own or that of another animal. Always keep the yard clean of feces and use a leash or long line to maintain control rather than lose it during walks or outdoor events.

6. Environmental Management

Environmental Management

If your dog keeps eating stools, then you need to clean them after they have defecated to get rid of that scent, therefore helping them avoid temptation. You can also give a human taste to feces using a product such as a bitter apple spray, bitter concoctions, or commercial deterrents that are specifically made unpleasant to dogs.

How do you stop your puppy from eating poop at home? 

  • Mix some canned pumpkin into your puppy’s food to make their poop less appealing. 
  • Add a bit of pineapple juice to their water bowl, as the taste can deter them from eating feces. 
  • Keep your yard clean, and supervise your puppy when they are outside. 
  • Consider using commercial products like “For-Bid” or “Deter” that can be added to their food to make their waste unappetizing.
  • Ensure your puppy is getting enough nutrients in their diet to reduce the urge to eat poop.


1. Is it normal for dogs to eat poop?

Whereas coprophagia is on the whole common amongst the dogs, they likewise should not be looked at as normal or desirable conduct. It is not just essential but essential to solving fecal eating issues promptly; otherwise, it can cause health issues and any other issues that may be the cause.

2. Can coprophagia be a sign of a medical problem?

True, coprophagia could have been caused by some underlying illnesses like gastrointestinal disorders, malabsorption disorders, or parasites. If your dog is the sequel to eating feces or showing worrisome signs, it is vital to see a veterinarian for a complete interpretation and the right protocol of treatment.

3. Will punishment stop my dog from eating poop?

Usually, punishment is not the right move toward the solution to the problem of eating feces, not least because it can be accompanied by the fear, anxiety, or aggression of dogs. Moreover, it cannot eliminate the underlying cause of the behavior. Rather than that, stick with positive reinforcement training and behavior modification approaches to promote positive behaviors and those negative sides.

4. How long does it take to stop a dog from eating poop using home remedies?

The effectiveness of home remedies for stopping coprophagia can vary depending on factors such as the dog’s age, breed, and underlying motivations for the behavior. Consistency, patience, and a multifaceted approach that addresses both dietary and behavioral factors are key to success. Most dogs grow out of the habit after the first year.

5. Are there any health risks associated with coprophagia?

Even though coprophagia itself is considered normal behavior by dogs, it can create an additional risk of fecal parasites and bacteria. The dog may get ill following the digestion of bacteria and other gastrointestinal parasites. Sample Sentence: In addition to helping dispose of usable nutrients, the process of ingesting feces may also point to other underlying medical problems requiring urgent veterinarian check-ups.

  • Susan

    Susan is a passionate advocate for natural health and sustainable living with over 10 years of experience in the wellness industry. As the founder of Home Remedy Lifestyle, Susan combines her extensive knowledge in herbal medicine, home remedies, beauty, fitness, sexual wellness, eco-friendly pest control, and sustainable living practices to provide readers with trusted and practical advice. With a background in holistic health and a commitment to promoting a balanced lifestyle, Susan's insights have been featured in numerous health and wellness publications. Her mission is to empower individuals to take charge of their well-being through natural and sustainable solutions.

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