Breech Birth

What Are the Risks of Breech Birth?

During a breech birth, the baby is usually born with its head outside the mother’s pelvis, in the fetus’s buttocks. There are some risks to the baby’s health and to the mother’s, and they are comparable to the risks of a cephalic birth.

Preterm breech births have comparable risks to cephalic births

Compared to cephalic births, preterm breech births have comparable risks for adverse outcomes. However, register-based data are unable to provide information on the explanatory factors that might explain these results.

The aim of this study was to explore the risk of neonatal mortality and cerebral palsy in the breech position. The study included 16,700 children in breech positions and their planned vaginal and cesarean births.

Compared to the cephalic group, the breech group had a higher rate of cesarean section. However, the absolute risk of adverse outcomes was low. Approximately 0.8 per 1000 live-born breech infants had an NNM. In addition, the rate of one-minute and five-minute Apgar scores was significantly higher for the breech group. In addition, the rate of out-of-hospital birth was higher for the breech group.

Breech babies are at higher risk of skull injury and dislocated joints. They are also at higher risk of bruising and broken bones. In addition, their overall birth weight is lower. Compared to the cephalic group, they are also more likely to have low Apgar scores. They are also more likely to be female.

The mean gestational age of the breech group was 39.1 weeks, while the mean gestational age of the cephalic group was 39.7 weeks. The difference in mean gestational age was not statistically significant. However, there were more infants in the breech group with a gestational age below 38 weeks. The overall complication rate was 6%. The rate of serious complications was 0.24%.

The study also found that the odds of adverse outcomes did not differ between the planned vaginal cephalic delivery and the planned breech cesarean delivery. However, the overall rate of NNM was increased by 1.6 times for the planned breech cesarean delivery. This may be due to the fact that the EFW limit for the breech group is lower.

The study also found that the rate of out-of-hospital birth for multiparas in both groups was significantly higher than in the cephalic group. In addition, the rate of spontaneous vaginal birth was higher for multiparas in the breech group.

Preterm breech births may be caused by abnormal levels of amniotic fluid around the baby

During pregnancy, abnormal levels of amniotic fluid around the baby can result in breech birth. This may happen because of a birth defect or birth abnormalities, such as placenta previa, placental abruption, or fetal demise. Depending on the cause of the problem, treatment will vary.

Placental abruption occurs when the placenta fails to provide the fetus with enough nutrients. If this occurs, the placenta may break down, and the fetus may need to be delivered early.

The fluid in the womb is vital to the development of the fetus’s bones and lungs. It also helps the baby’s digestive system and helps it regulate its temperature. It also provides a cushion against external pressures. It also helps the baby’s muscles to develop.

Abnormal levels of amniotic fluid around the fetus can cause complications that are mild or severe. The type of complication and treatment needed at birth will depend on the cause of the problem and how much excess fluid is present.

Some women may have a breech presentation without any complications, but they will need to be monitored closely. If they experience unusual abdominal pain or back pain, they will be sent for an ultrasound. If the ultrasound reveals a breech position, a doctor will be able to confirm it with a physical exam.

If the ultrasound reveals a breech birth, a doctor may perform a sterile speculum exam to find out if the cervix is open. If the cervix is closed, the baby will need to be delivered by cesarean delivery. If the cervix is open, a doctor can deliver the baby through the vagina. The doctor may also prescribe antibiotics to reduce the risk of infection.

The amount of amniotic fluid in the womb is important for the development of the fetus’s lungs and digestive system. It also helps the baby’s muscles and bones grow. A breech delivery can cause the baby to inhale amniotic fluid and may cause complications.

Breech presentation is the third most common indication for cesarean delivery. It is also associated with higher post-surgical maternal morbidity. There are risks to both the mother and the infant, so doctors need to monitor the baby closely.

Vaginal breech births in hospitals are preferred over home births

Choosing to have a vaginal breech birth has become more common in the U.S., UK, and Australia. However, there are still concerns about the safety of vaginal breech birth.

The risks of vaginal breech birth are the same as with normal vaginal delivery. A breech birth involves the baby being born feet first. This increases the risk of the baby getting stuck. If the baby’s head gets stuck, forceps may be used to help the head out.

When compared to a normal vaginal delivery, a breech birth has a higher rate of cesarean section. It also has a higher rate of serious morbidity and infant death. Moreover, babies born breech tend to require more supplemental oxygen than normal and are at greater risk for injuries.

The Mary Hannah Term Breech Trial was a study that compared the delivery of term breech babies by planned cesarean surgery with term breech babies delivered by the trial of labor. It was the largest randomized controlled trial of breech births to date. It examined births in 26 countries.

The results were very dramatic. The number of deaths in the planned C-section group was significantly lower than in the trial of the labor group, and the rate of serious morbidity was also significantly lower.

The study included data on over 52,000 Canadian births. This study included a subset of home breech births as well. It also examined data from low-income countries, a factor that may not be applicable in North America.

The study also examined how babies were born, including the rate of Apgar scores at five minutes. In the trial of the labor group, babies were born with a higher rate of Apgar scores at five minutes.

The results of the study also indicated that breech presentations were not diagnosed before labor. Breech presentations occur in about three to four percent of full-term births. They are usually diagnosed during the last weeks of pregnancy. Breech presentations are also more likely to be associated with genetic problems.

The study has been heavily criticized for its conflicting results. Some argue that the results are not applicable to Canada. However, the results are applicable to other developed countries.

Complications of a vaginal breech birth

During a vaginal breech birth, your baby has a higher risk of injury. This can be due to a lack of oxygen supply or being stuck in the birth canal. The umbilical cord can be twisted and obstructed. It can also damage the baby’s brain and nerves.

For breech births, your baby is more likely to have problems with oxygen supply and to be confined to a NICU (neonatal intensive care unit). The five-minute APGAR score, a standard indicator of infant health, is 1.5 times higher for children born during a breech birth.

Breech presentation is the most common malpresentation and carries the highest risk of perinatal and maternal morbidity. A breech baby has a 5-10% chance of having a cord prolapse. The external cephalic version is a procedure to turn the breech baby. This technique uses your abdominal muscles to manipulate the fetus through your abdomen. This procedure is successful in about 50% of cases.

In breech presentations, the rate of uterine rupture is about 0.4%. Breech babies are also at risk of placental abruption, a condition where the placenta becomes detached from the uterus. This can lead to emergency C-sections. If the uterus ruptures, your baby may not survive.

Another complication is birth asphyxia. This is usually caused by a delay in delivery. This condition occurs when the baby’s heart rate becomes abnormal, and this may cause a placental abruption.

A study compared the rate of serious complications in full-term and term breech babies delivered by planned C-section and spontaneous vaginal birth. It found that the rates of serious complications were 3.6 times higher in full-term babies.

The rate of maternal complications was also about the same in both groups. However, the rate of infant death was lower in the planned cesarean group. Despite these findings, the complication rate for breech babies delivered vaginally was still high. This is probably due to the fact that the majority of the women who participated in the study had their first trial of vaginal birth.

Although there is a risk of injury, a vaginal breech birth is generally safe, especially when performed by a skilled physician. It is important that you have good care, including capping the labor time and switching to a C-section if necessary.

Health Sources:

Health A to Z. (n.d.).

U.S. National Library of Medicine. (n.d.).

Directory Health Topics. (n.d.).

Health A-Z. (2022, April 26). Verywell Health.

Harvard Health. (2015, November 17). Health A to Z

Health Conditions A-Z Sitemap. (n.d.).


Susan is a passionate advocate for natural health and sustainable living with over 10 years of experience in the wellness industry. As the founder of Home Remedy Lifestyle, Susan combines her extensive knowledge in herbal medicine, home remedies, beauty, fitness, sexual wellness, eco-friendly pest control, and sustainable living practices to provide readers with trusted and practical advice. With a background in holistic health and a commitment to promoting a balanced lifestyle, Susan's insights have been featured in numerous health and wellness publications. Her mission is to empower individuals to take charge of their well-being through natural and sustainable solutions.

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